The Online School runs in weekends for 3hrs each day. The participants are expected to produce work on their own and in collaboration with their online classmates.

We ask  participants to engage with their individual context taking under consideration their diverse locations. The boundaries and possibilities allowed are explored within the constantly changing environment.This is particularly exciting as the notions of public and private are maleable and shifting worldwide.

Exploring the interior of one’s home and the outdoor environment of a city through the physicality of the body opens our thinking about both interior and exterior architecture, highlighting the qualitative differences and similarities.

At the end of the course the participants present to the class and to external Critics their individual projects. This helps the participants to understand the outcome of their experience during the course and identify ways of developing and enhancing their personal practice.


Chrisa, 34, Vaughan, CanadIt was such a wonderful experience a breather in all this covid craziness!

Miranda, 35, Reading, UK
It was a really nice opportunity to learn and think beyond my normal frames of reference. I really enjoyed the energy, enthusiasm and commitment from the three course leaders :) and I also really enjoyed the breadth of experience amongst the participants. I got a sense that all the participants were also really committed which I think is quite unusual over such a wide span of age and experience. Thank you for your imagination and commitment in sharing your knowledge and experience throughout the course! I hope to continue these trains of thought in other ways!

Weijie, 29, Beijing, China Many thanks to all of you for the great learning experience and astonishing lectures. Hope will have other opportunities to work with you in the future.

Victoria, 37, London, UK I wanted to express my appreciation for a brilliantly organized and inciteful course- really, I took SO much away from this!

Mijke, 22, Zwolle, NederlandsIt was really inspiring to do these different kinds of exercises that I haven't done before. In every exercise I have explored a new way of looking at space and also about how to 'represent' my ideas. I've also written down a thousand examples from the theory which are very cool (this will also definitely help me with writing my thesis next year). It was interesting to see and hear what the others had created in the breakout room and to get some valuable feedback from you [and] from the crits.  

Jon, 42, Kent, UK
Such an inspiring and informative course. It brough together so many interests of mine and will inform my practice across multiple fields forever.

Claire, 39, Melbourne, Australia
A stimulating 4 week program. I’ve really enjoyed the lectures, and the tasks/activities, and I’m sad that it’s over! The program has helped my research enormously, and as I said in the crit, has pushed me to loosen up in my art practice which is only a good thing. You’ve all been incredibly generous with your ideas and feedback, it’s been a pleasure meeting you. I loved it! It was very invigorating and interesting. :)

Mariana, 28, Porto, Portugal I felt like I needed a workshop like this to move me out of my comfort zone. I get ideas during my research that involves performance, but I felt shy and blocked by it. I have a long way to go, but I'm glad I have started.